The idea to shift to other pbl come to my mind whenever i think about my pbl...
to think of it alone will cause me headache for a night..then i go for the basic...
to think about what are the thing that make me really hate my pbl?PBL should be fun...
well eventhough we are discussing abt diseases,we should have fun since we are actually
try to make application of what we have learnt from lecture and also pbl...
and yet i feel so stressful whenever im abt going to pbl session..that not even being inside the session itself..
in the beginning,theres 2 malay boys and 3 malay girls,and 6 non malays...2 boys and 4 girls..
eventhough the ratio goes abt 60:40 i dont really least i've friends that i can talk to...
and my non-malays pblmates isnt that really friendly with me..they got their mates that they can talk to..
and not too long in my pbl...1 malay boy leaves for another pbl...and left me a malay boy alone...
and what should i do?i convinced myself that being alone is okay...and i managed to survived for sometimes...
and then i noticed that i rarely speak up in the not saying that im too active but i did speak considerably much in early pbl session..
i wonder why?and if i have any doubt i rarely asked people about it..and being me i prefer to ask
my friend abt the questions that i dont know...but know being a single malay boy had made me
nowhere to ask..and quite sometimes that the doctor in charge asking why im so quiet.
and i have a feeling that im not being me...if i changed pbl i will leave 3 malay girls behind and nine in total pbl will be hard for them to handle certain things like cfcs and all...but if i care abt other ppl
will i hurt myself?i dont mind being hurt a bit..but being not me is something that not acceptable since i really
love being myself..yeah i think everybody loves themselves accordingly..if not there will be a lot of fan-man(hang oneself to the fan on the ceiling).But i really care if it actually affect my study habits...and in fact it really did...i cant focus.....really...should i shift??
despite all that i try to think abt others....nevertheless i really need to do something...and i think run away is not the true ways of solving problem..i've identified the problem and will be meeting with pengerusi fasa to talk abt this...i damn serious abt is for our sake...
and dont think that im being racist and not asking from the non-malays because they tend to talk in their language instead of BM or english...what should i do?learn their langguage?nahh forget abt it...i even didn't know if they are bad mouthing me there...Shoot!im not racist!!!!at least i try to.....
November 15, 2008 at 11:48 PM
syed... sian pulak aku dgr kisah ko ni..hehe.. memang rmi gak yg ade prblm dlm pbl msng2, kengkwn aku pun ade gak..siap g jumpe pengerusi fasa.. tp xleh gak tkr.. tp ko ni mcm teruk je.. ko jumpe dulu pengerusi.. dgr la nsht die.. die baek.. aku pun prnh jmp.. mungkin ko blh wat kptsn yg terbaik pastu...
November 17, 2008 at 1:25 PM
nah... you're not being racist. at least you've tried. recalling back what my standard 6 teacher told my class (yang memang tabley blah punya direct), "jangan cakap dalam bahasa atau perkara yang orang sekeliling tak faham. biadab tau buat macam tu", and since then, many changed their attitude, thank God. and if there are a few (or maybe majority) others who commit such act, then, it's your right to ask them to speak in a language that the rest of the group members understand. it's the same case as asking doctors to avoid using medical jargons when communicating with patients.
perhaps a few of them are unaware of how bad their action affects you guys and they need you to remind them. at least, that's what i did. sekurang-kurangnya ada la sikit effect yang positive wpun ada segelintir yang slightly keras kepala dan perlu orang ingatkan diorang berulang kali. yang penting... majority cooperated. Alhamdulillah.
dan sebenarnya, aku juga akan jumpa phase coordinator aku minggu ni untuk bincang balik cara pemarkahan PBL budak dental dan bincang masalah-masalah berkaitan PBL. harap-harap dapat selesai. ameen. cuba forward problem ni pada hazwan. i'm sure many are in similar situation as you do. they deserve to be heard.
p/s: hambik kau, lagi lengthy comment aku HAHAHAHHAHA
November 17, 2008 at 6:54 PM
hahaha..betul2x.mmg bidadap ckp apa
yang org x paham dpn org tu..
atleast kalau nak kutuk kutukla kat tempat lain..caitt..happaara..
hehehe balas dendam yek...:)
November 21, 2008 at 9:56 PM
aku dah banyak dengar masalah PBL ni..masuk ko..dah lebih kurang 6 orang mengadu masalah yang sama...
insya-allah..nanti aku cuba tanya phase coordinator nanti..tapi lepas die balik haji la..
aku takleh nak wat apa skang ni..sebab kalo aku cakap ngan pemangku die..nanti ganti org lain plak..berbuih mulut aku je...
tapi btolla cakap si ira ni..kalo dorunk asyik dok cecakap sesama sendiri je..mintak dorunk buat pbl baru jela..wakakaka...tegurla dorunk bebaik..cakap dalam bhs yang dipahami..pbl aku pon banyak cina..selalu cakap cina depan aku..tapi lepas tegur dorunk..dorunk start cakap either eng or bm la ni..sabar nohh
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